According to pest control specialists, reducing moisture is one of the major keys to pest control and elimination. Bugs rely on moisture to thrive and are often attracted to buildings that have a high level of moisture. For buildings that are very humid, pests can appear almost anywhere. Most insects are not adapted to living in drier indoor conditions with better ventilation.
Pests, including rodents, birds, and insects, are prevalent in the horticulture and agriculture sectors. They can cause damage to produce, spread diseases to animals, and create food safety concerns through droppings. Mitigating sparrows and rodents is crucial for better herd and produce health and safety.
Using air movement to startle pests
Industrial HVLS fans are powered by efficient PMSM motors, which are also very quiet. But the massive movement of air (which is very comfortable for people) and the VFD will create motion and a noise that will startle some birds, rodents and insects. The air movement will serve to physically move some pests, which naturally acts as a deterrent. In areas where the HVLS fan is strong enough, smaller flying pests are unable to control their flight pattern and will not try to form a habitat in this area. Overall bird management may include barriers to entry, perch modification methods or various repellents. But HVLS fans can be part of the solution. Birds are much less willing to nest in locations with fan blade motion and good air movement. We have also come across an interesting scenario where rats are now avoiding the indoor space they used to inhabit. In a pumpkin seed drying facility, they had rats scoffing substantial amounts of seed overnight. That is until the day they installed their HVLS fan and left it running overnight. This served to disrupt the rats and meant 100% of the pumpkin seeds were untouched.
Dry out using HVLS Fans
Eliminate troublesome moisture by using a High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fan to circulate indoor building air. HVLS fans prevent moisture pockets, improving air quality and eliminating a major incentive for pests. Certain types of pests, such as cockroaches, are less likely to live in a building that has a low level of moisture. Mosquitoes depend on moisture to breed and will be less prevalent in a building with less moisture.
Reduce Bird & Insect Problems for Farmers
Customers in the horticulture and agriculture sector often have complaints with insects and birds, who will typically find a home wherever they can have access to food and water. When birds inhabit a farm building, they can cause a lot of harm to other animals, one of the major concerns being with the diseases they carry and pass on through droppings and sharing the food / water supply. Additionally, when they build a nest, they cause damage that will reduce aesthetics and integrity of a building. Bird droppings land in all places and thereby increase flies, which in turn frustrate and bite the animals. The droppings also form fungus spores that, when inhaled by people and animals, can cause disease and respiratory problems.
Utilizing High Volume Low Speed Fans in covered outdoor areas has been scientifically proven to discourage sparrows and biting flies, resulting in happier animals and an overall cleaner, healthier living environment. Additionally, these fans provide the added benefit of keeping your animals cool, which has been shown to increase Return on Investment (ROI) by promoting higher milk yield. But that's a topic for another article!
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